About the 7-Day Burnout Fix: Revive with Self-Hypnosis Program

In a world that demands so much from you, burnout can feel like an inevitable outcome. But it doesn’t have to be.

The 7-Day Burnout Fix: Revive with Self-Hypnosis is a carefully crafted program designed to help you regain control, reduce stress, and renew your energy.

Over the course of seven days, you'll immerse yourself in daily self-hypnosis sessions that guide you through deep healing -- addressing the symptoms of burnout while tackling the deeper causes like fear of failure and self-doubt.

Each day’s session is your sanctuary, where you can quiet the mental noise, release the tension you’ve been holding onto, and start to feel like yourself again.

This program is not just a quick fix; it’s a journey toward lasting change.

You’ll walk away feeling lighter, more balanced, and empowered with the tools you need to navigate life’s challenges.

Plus, this program can be easily integrated into your daily routine, helping you transform "I can't" into "I've got this."

All you need is 20 minutes of your time every day to listen to the self-hypnosis audios. You can even listen to them while you sleep!

What you will gain after this program

Balance and Harmony: Create a life where your work, personal care, and ambitions coexist peacefully.

Inner Strength and Resilience: Transform challenges into opportunities for growth and success.

Reignite Your Passion: Rediscover your drive to pursue your goals with renewed energy.

Confidence in Your Path: Overcome self-doubt and embrace your journey with clarity and purpose.

Empowerment for Self-Care: Build sustainable habits that support your well-being and growth.

A Life Aligned with Your Values: Live with intention, knowing you’re making choices that reflect your true needs and desires.

Why you will love the 7-Day Burnout Fix program

A holistic approach that addresses both the symptoms and root causes of burnout with daily practical exercises.

A targeted method where each day’s focus ensures a comprehensive healing experience.

Designed for women by women. Tailored to address the unique challenges women face.

Take a sneak peek

  Welcome and Instructions
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Day 1: Self-Hypnosis for Overcoming Burnout
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Day 2: Self-Hypnosis for Overcoming Fatigue and Irritability
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Day 3: Self-Hypnosis for Overcoming Fear of Failure and Self-doubt
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Day 4: Self-Hypnosis for Motivation to Self-caring
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Day 5: Self-Hypnosis for Overcoming Perfectionism
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Day 6: Self-Hypnosis for Overcoming Self-Criticism and Apathy
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Day 7: Self-Hypnosis for Finding Self-Worth and Meaningfulness
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll

What you'll experience in this program

Over the course of 7 days, we will guide you through a daily practice of self-hypnosis, affirmations, and intention setting.

During this program, every day, we will tackle different areas that contribute to burnout.

Day 1 - We will work on overcoming overall burnout. On Day 1, we will work on fostering resilience, inner harmony, and balance to help you release yourself from the grasp of burnout. So that you can feel lighter, more optimistic, and overall more balanced, willing to exercise your boundaries towards others and make self-care your number one priority.

Day 2 - We will work on addressing fatigue and irritability. The goal of this day's practice is to help you feel content, revitalized, and fulfilled. Your subconscious mind will work for you to help you reconnect with your true brilliant self -- the part of you that is energetic, balanced, harmonious, and happy.

Day 3 - We will tackle the fear of failure and self-doubt. This day's practice is intended to set you free from your blockages of doubt and fear. We will connect you with your inner strength and courage. So that you can feel more energized to find and take on new opportunities. You will finally be able to move out of your freeze state brought on by fears and self-doubt.

Day 4 - We will tackle the topic of prioritization of Self-care. This day's practice is meant to re-connect you with that part of yourself that is buried under what feels like a mountain of chores, heavy feelings, and a never-ending stream of thoughts. So that your subconscious can find a better way to deal with everyday stressors and ensure that you can always find the time and space for yourself and practice self-care.

Day 5 - We will tackle the tendencies towards perfectionism. The goal of this day's session is to reconnect you with your innate value and foster acceptance and self-appreciation. So that you can get rid of your constant need to strive for rigid perfection in everything that you do that cultivates stress and anxiety.

Day 6: We will tackle self-criticism and apathy. This session is designed to help you have a more optimistic outlook in life, release habits and beliefs that have you trapped in the claws of self-criticism. So that you can reconnect with your inner worth and power and become more confident and relaxed.

Day 7: We will build your sense of self-worth and meaningfulness. This session is designed to help you come back to your inner by guiding your subconscious mind to new healthy ways to navigate your day-to-day circumstances. The goal of this session is to help you feel fulfilled, optimistic, and also creative.

Throughout the program, we will send you daily affirmations and intention-setting exercises to ensure that you're ready to immerse yourself in your self-hypnosis sessions.

*If you suffer from serious mental health conditions like schizophrenia please consult with your physician before listening.

Hypnosis is a powerful tool for lasting change and healing.

Hypnosis is a powerful tool because it taps into the subconscious mind, where deeply rooted beliefs, habits, and emotions reside.

By bypassing the conscious mind's defenses, hypnotherapy can help reprogram negative thought patterns, reduce stress, and promote positive changes more effectively than conscious effort alone.

Hypnosis is an especially effective solution for addressing issues like burnout, anxiety, and self-doubt because it targets the underlying causes rather than just the symptoms, leading to lasting transformation and improved mental well-being

About your practitioner

Andrea Ramirez is one of the co-founders of Magical and Audios and is a licensed and professional hypnotherapist.

Her main goal is to share knowledge and experience and facilitate the healing and well-being of people through that starts from one's spirit.

She helped more than 500+ women where she's addressed various issues such as stress, anxiety, phobias, traumas, and more.

About her journey:

Andrea’s journey with hypnotherapy began after a health crisis led her to explore holistic healing. She realized that unresolved traumas and ingrained beliefs had contributed to her illness.

Through hypnotherapy, she not only healed herself but also discovered the power of the subconscious mind to facilitate profound transformation.

Now, as a hypnotherapist, she helps others overcome issues like chronic pain, anxiety, and burnout, empowering them to lead more meaningful and resilient lives.

Ready to join the program?