In unity, women find strength, healing, and endless possibilities

At Magical Audios, we're uniting women to discover strength, foster healing, to unlock endless possibilities through personalized audios, expert guidance, and supportive community sessions

Meet Kat

Katherin Navarro, CEO & CMO, a passionate advocate for FemTech with over 10 years of international experience in Marketing, Content Writing, Project Management, and Business Development for startups. Her journey is fueled by the intersection of technology and women's health, and she's committed to pioneering solutions that empower women's well-being and transform healthcare. 

Meet Andrea

Andrea Ramirez, CCO, a Hypnotherapist, Channeler, and Spiritual Consultant who harmoniously blends spirituality, business, and entrepreneurship. Her mission is to make practical, down-to-earth spirituality accessible, empowering you with greater focus, flow, confidence, mindset, and self-care. With a deep commitment to well-being, Andrea's focus centers on holistic wellness, recognizing that spirit is the essence of who we are, the source of peace and wisdom, all driven by her passion for healing women.

Meet Kax

Kax Uson, CPO, with extensive experience leading cross-functional teams and building marketplace products that connect people while reducing fraud risks. Kax ensures seamless product development. She is also a Coach and Mentor for Women in Product and Product Leadership, offering guidance for career growth and helping women achieve their dreams.

Get in touch with us!

Ikaro Health SL

Email: [email protected]

Office: Carrer Bailen 141, Barcelona, Spain